Justin + Liza
I have been photographing a lot of love lately and I am oh so happy about it. But nothing is better than being able to do that for family. Growing up split between Cincinnati and Salt Lake City we would only see each other a few times out of the year and since growing into adults our times together are even fewer and far between. But thats all changed, my cousin Justin just signed with the Indianapolis, Indy Eleven soccer team so now him and his sweet finance Liza live only a couple hours away. As kids he used to rip on us pretty hard for living in Kentucky and I think its absolutely perfect that he now lives only twenty minutes outside some serious farmland. Funny how things work out like that. If only I could get the rest of his family to join us here in the midwest. We had so much fun catching up, getting to know Liza and walking around Indiana. We found some dark woods and things got mighty dreamy. It was really neat watching the way he watched her and the two of them laugh into each other. I just can't wait to see them as husband and wife. Justin and Liza.
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